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Foundation for Endangered Languages

Okinawa International University
Ginowan City
Okinawa Japan
17-20 September 2014


Main conference website at the Ryukyuan Heritage Language Society

This page last updated: 28 July 2014. For further details, see main conference website at Ryukyuan Heritage Language Society


Our 2014 conference, FEL XVIII, will address the theme: Indigenous Languages: Value to the Community.

It will take place at Naha, on the Ryukyuan island of Okinawa, during 17-20 September 2014. For more details, visit the FEL XVIII page hosted by the Ryukyuan Heritage Language Society.

Important dates

  • For accepted papers, authors to submit the full written paper by July 27th, 2014. It is a condition of speaking at the conference that authors will submit a hard copy of their paper by this deadline.
  • Conference dates: 17-20 September, 2014
  • Excursion to Kudakajima (see below): 20 September, 2014


Registration for this conference is via our Secure Subscription page

  • go to the FEL Secure Subscription page where you can register for the conference and (optionally) enrol for the excursion to Kudakajima (as well as become a member of FEL)


This conference will be followed by an excursion to Kudakajima on 20 September.

Important addresses

All abstracts and papers should be emailed as attachments to both of these addresses:

For other contact about the conference:


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©2025 Foundation for Endangered Languages

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