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Foundation for Endangered Languages

2011 FEL Grants announced

This year 9 grants were awarded for a total of approximately $8,900 (US). Following is a list of the successful applicants, with brief details of their projects, and provisional sums awarded shown in US dollars:

Grantee Country Language supported Grant in US$ (approx) Purpose
Femmy Admiraal Germany Baure (Beni province, Bolivia) $958 Producing learning materials
Martine Bruil Ecuador Ecuadorian Awapit $1000 Develop audio recordings
Eliane Camargo France Cashinahua (Panoan Language), Peru, Amazonia $950 Study traditions and produce book
Gabriela Garcia USA Southeastern Tepehuan (O'dham), Mexico $1182 Documentation and learning materials
Cornelius Gulere Uganda Lusoga $1000 Print learning materials
Musombwa Igunzi Michel Rwanda Kinyindu in Congo $980 Producing DVDs
Emily McEwan-Fujita Canada Scottish Gaelic $930 Teaching, workshop
Antoinette Schapper Netherlands Kamang, located in Indonesia $963 Learning materials
Rachel Watson UK Mlomp (Jóola), Mlomp village and surrounding area, Southern Senegal $800 Documentation and orthography development

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