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Foundation for Endangered Languages

2014 FEL Grants announced

This year 15 grants were awarded for a total of a little under $15,000 (US), two under the new NAVLIPI Documentation scheme. Here is a list of the successful applicants, with brief details of their projects, and sums awarded shown in US dollars:

Grantee Country Language supported Grant in US$ (approx) Purpose
John F Clifton USA Budukh, Quba District, Azerbaijan $1485 Transcription of Texts [Navlipi]
Rena Stanton Australia Kungarakany, Australia $902 Documentation [Navlipi]
Carolyne Adhiambo Ngara Kenya Suba; Kenya $980 Development of a Trilingual Suba-Luo-English Online Dictionary
Bamwiji Musombwa Congo Kinyindu; Congo $993 Translation of Proverbs
Beatrice Clayre UK Sa?ban; South-east Asia $1,000 Development of Reading Materials
Hannah S Sarvasy Australia Nungon; Uruwa River valley, Kabwum District, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea $958 Production of a dictionary
Robyn Giffen Canada Nabit Language, Ghana $990 Documentation
Artis Orbis Latvia Livonian, NE Europe $880 Teaching
Christina Murmann Germany Miriwoong, Australia $902 Documenting and Training
Catherine Carry Canada Inuktitut $1,000 Developing the Inuit Film and Video Archive
Tingsheng Zhou China Tulihua, China $995 Documentation
Akpobome Diffre-Odiete Nigeria Okpe, Nigeria $1,000 Printing of the Dictionary
Lana Takau Australia Nese language, Malekula, Vanuatu, Oceania $747 Early Childhood Language Immersion Project
Fakhruddin Akhunzada Pakistan Dameli, Yidgha, and Gawarbati, Pakistan $1,026 Orthography Workshop
Aligavhar Bakhtovarshoev Ukraine Shughni, GBAO, Tajikistan $1,000 Publishing StoryBook

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