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Foundation for Endangered Languages

FEL Grants

Grants Round 2024-25 is now open!

Our annual grant round for projects that will support, enable or assist the use of one or more endangered languages is now open. .

Key dates:

  Deadline for submission:  31 December 2024
  Announcement of results: 28 February 2025

Application documents:

  For more information, and to apply, download these 4 documents:

Please note that only FEL members signed up until the end of 2025 can apply

  See below for more information about membership.
  If you sign up now your membership will automatically run until the end of 2025.


In the 2023-24 round we awarded 6 new grants for a total of US$ 5500.

FEL is committed to raising awareness of endangered languages throughout the world and supporting their revitalisation and preservation. Each year, we award grants to projects that further these aims. In this round we invite proposals for projects for 2025.

Members of FEL with a membership of any type valid until the end of 2025 or later may apply. If you are not yet a member then please join before applying (see our Membership page). If your membership runs out on 31 December of this year please renew your membership for 2025. If you don't remember your membership status you can check it HERE.

Priority is given to projects that focus on the revitalisation of an endangered language and/or support the use of an endangered language in its community. In general, we award up to US $1,000 for successful proposals. Proposals for smaller amounts may have a better chance of receiving funding.

See our reports page with details of over 40 projects we have supported.

Grants awarded since 2007:

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