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Endangered Languages and Linguistic Rights
Foundation for Endangered Languages conference
Barcelona (Catalonia), Spain, 1-3 October 2004
Table of contents

Index of Autors

Index of Languages

Joan A. Argenter & R. McKenna Brown

Preface: Endangered Languages and Lingusitic Rights

Section 1: Grass-roots Efforts and Top-down Institutions

Keynote Address: Leanne Hinton The Death and Rebirth of Native American Languages
Patrick Marlow Bilingual Education, Legislative Intent, and Language Maintenance in Alaska Galina Dyrkheeva New Language Policy and Small Languages in Russia: the Buryat Example
Zelealem Leyew The Fate of Endangered Languages in Ethiopia
Gregory Hankoni Kamwendo Language Planning from Below: Chitumbuka as a Marginalised Language in Malawi
John Hobson Learning to Speak Again: Towards the Provision of Appropriate Training for the Revitalization of Australian Languages in New South Wales
Shelley Tulloch Grassroots Desires for Language Planning in Nunavut
Amandina Cárdenas Demay Hacia la definición de una política del lenguaje & Alejandra Arellano Martínez explícita en México
Elena Benedicto, G. McLean, Linguistic Rights in the Nicaraguan Atlantic Coast: Grupo de Lingüistas Indígenas Mayangna Actions on the Ground within the Legislative Framework of the Estatuto de Autonomía
Bartomeu Melià Las lenguas indígenas en el Paraguay. Una visión desde el Censo 2002
Monica Ward Building from the Bottom-up: Linguistic Rights for Extremely Endangered Languages
Marta Moskal Language Policy and Protection of Endangered Languages in Poland
Sue Wright What is a language? Some difficulties inherent in language rights
Joan Ramon Solé Obstacles in the Way of the Recovery of Catalan

Section 2: The Global vs. the Local in Linguistic Rights

Keynote Address: Patxi Goenaga Fronteras que dividen y fronteras que separan. Una mirada a Europa desde el Euskara
Yun-Hsuan Kuo Languages, Identity, and Linguistic Rights in Taiwan
Estibaliz Amorrortu, Andoni Barreña, What Do Linguistic Communities Think about the Esti Izagirre, Itziar Idiazabal, Belén Uranga Official Recognition of their Languages?
Alok Kumar Das Linguistic Practices and Not Just Linguistic Rights: Endangered Languages in New Europe

Section 3: Languages crossing the Borders

Keynote Address: Tjeerd de Graaf The Status of Endangered Languages in the Border Areas of Japan and Russia
Mariana Bara Armân endangered language
Verónica Grondona Language Policy, Linguistic Rights and Language Maintenance in Argentina
Grup d’Estudi de Llengües Amenaçades Linguistic diversity in Catalonia: towards a model of linguistic revitalization
Nataliya Belitser Endangered Languages in Crimea/Ukraine: The Cases of Crimean Tatar, Karait, and Krymchak
Ivelina Kazakova & Maria Miteva The Future of Bulgarian: The Road to Extinction or Paradise Regained
Luke O’Callaghan War of Words: Language Policy in Post Independence Kazakhstan
Eden Naby From Lingua Franca to Endangered Language: The Legal Aspects of the Preservation of Aramaic in Iraq

Poster presentations

Akim Elnazarov Endangered languages and Education. A Case of Badakhshan Province of Tajikistan
Arnfinn Muruvik Vonen & Oddvar Hjulstad Linguistic Rights Paving the Way Towards Language Endangerment? The Case of Norwegian Sign Language
Eva Savelsberg Kurdish (Kurmancî) as Minority Language in the Federal Republic of Germany
José Antonio Flores Farfán Cultural and Linguistic Revitalization, Maintenance and Development in Mexico
Mary Jane Norris Assessing the Status, Use and Accessibility of Canada’s Aboriginal Languages within Communities and Cities: Some Proposed Indicators
Michael Prosser van der Riet Promotion of Minority Language Scripts in Southwest China. A Relative Success or Complete Failure?
Mikael Grut The Endangered Celtic Languages: A Wake-up Call
Nariyo Kono Developing Partnerships Between Universities and Language Communities: Top-down and Bottom-up Integration
Richard J. Hawkins Probit Modeling Language Attrition
Rudy Osiel Camposeco El idioma maya Popti’ y la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Lingüísticos
Victorio N. Sugbo The literary Response: Claiming Rights in Three Philippin Languages
Ya-ling Chang Language Policies in an Aboriginal Primary School in Taiwan