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Foundation for Endangered Languages

Theme: Language Colonization & Endangerment: Long Term Effects, Echoes and Reactions
University of Hyderabad, India
9-11 December 2016

Program last updated 7th December 2016

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Day 1 : The Past - Colonial Languages
9:00 AMInaugural session (Chairperson: Nicholas Ostler)
10:15 AM Keynote address (Chairperson: Jakelin Troy)
Panchanan MohantyA Pilot Study of Walmiki and its Present Status
11:00 AMSession 1 (Chairperson: Rajend Mesthrie)
Hakim ElnazarovEndangered Languages of the Pamirs and Hindu Kush in the Works of the Russian and British Explorers during the Colonial Period
S. Imtiaz HasnainColonial projects leading towards language colonization
11:50 AMSession 2 (Chairperson: Maya David)
PrasannanshuA grave shadow of colonial history on the numerical picture of languages spoken in Delhi and NCR, and a look at current governmental effort
Lindsay J. WhaleyPlace Names in the United States and the Colonial Past
Shobha SatyanathMapping linguistic diversity in colonial Bengal
2:00 PMSession 3 (Chairperson: Suhnu Ram Sharma)
Paolo Coluzzi Internal colonialism: The cases of Italy and Malaysia
Satarupa DattamajumdarA Historiographical Approach to the Study of Language Endangerment: Case Studies of Bodo, Rabha and Tiwa
Eden NabyWhy not Simply Speak Ottoman Turkish?? The Ottoman Colonial Empire And Language Retention Among The Assyrian Minority
4:00 PMSession 4 (Chairperson: Sailendra Mohan)
Sabiha HashamiHindi in Colonial Bihar: Implications-Then and Now
G. BalasubramanianRestriction of the Use of Tamil in administrative and trade domain in Pondicherry during French Rule as revealed from Anandarangam Pillai’s Personal Diary
Amrita DasRabha Speech Community - in Colonial & Post-Colonial Era
Day 2 : Effects of Colonization - Lead-up to the Present
9:00 AMSession 5 (Chairperson: Peter J Keegan)
Gabriel Rei-DovalLanguage Endangerment and Language Revitalization in a minority (post)colonial setting: the Galician case.
Maya DavidThe Role and Status of the Sindhi Language- pre and post independence
Michael WalshA torrent of tongues: Asian and European influences on Australian Indigenous Languages
11:00 AM Session 6 (Chairperson: S.S. Bhattacharya)
T. TemsunungsangLanguage endangerment through standardizßation: a colonial effect
Jakelin Troy, Adnan BhattiWhen size doesn’t count: a comparative account of language endangerment in Australia and Pakistan
V. Gnanasundaram, R.Perialwar, K. RanganEndangerment of Bettakurumba (Tamilnadu), Bettakuruba (Karnataka) and Uralikuruman (Kerala)
12:30 PMFEL AGM (Chairperson: Nicholas Ostler)
2:00 PMSession 7 (Chairperson: B. Ramakrishna Reddy)
Gregory Anderson, Opino GomangoCurrent state of Juray (Munda lg of Odisha state)
Bapji MendemOdia colonization of Dravidian tribal languages with special reference to Ollari Gadaba: an endangered tribal Dravidian language
Ankita SatapathySubcolonization of a Tribal Language in Odisha: A Case Study of So:ra:
4:00 PMSession 8 (Chairperson: Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi)
Krishna BhattacharyaMarginalization and Endangerment - the case of Birjia
David BarasaSurviving the tide: The status of Ateso in post-colonial East Africa
Suhnu Ram SharmaLanguage Colonisation and Endangerment : A Case study: Himachal Pradesh and Uttaralkhand
6:30 PMCultural event: Kuchipudi Classical Dance Recital by Ms. M. Bhavana Swami
Day 3 : Reactions and Future Policies
9:30 AMSession 9 (Chairperson: Nicholas Faraclas)
Enakshi Nandi, Noel Mark SequeiraKonkani in the post-post-colonial era
Rajend Mesthrie,Sonal Kulkarni-Joshi, Ruta ParadkarDocumenting a hundred years of Konkani in South Africa
11:00 AMSession 10 (Chairperson: Hakim Elnazarov)
Kathryn HudsonSearching for a Surrogate: Mother Tongue(s) and Linguistic Identity in Post-Colonial Micronesia
Sakuntala LongkumerGrowth of Nagamese in Relation to Indigenous Naga Languages
Avinash PandeyA pragmatic study of ‘Paroshi’ as a linguistic variety used by the Nath Panthi Dauri Gosavi people
2:00 PMSession 11 (Chairperson: Shailendra Kumar Singh)
Nick FaraclasConfronting the colonial legacy in education in the Caribbean, Latin America and the South Pacific: How community-based approaches can contribute to changes in language policy, educational planning and classroom practice that promote the survival of endangered languages
K.S. NagarajaVocabulary Retention and Loss in Nihali, an endangered Isolate
Shailendra MohanDescribing Endangered languages: Experiences from Nihali Documentation Project
4:00 PMSession 12 (Chairperson: Lindsay J. Whaley)
S.S. BhattacharyaRevisiting the Language Resources and Linguistic Pluralism in India
Shailendra Kumar SinghNew Linguistic World Order and Language Endangerment
5:30 PMValedictory Session (Chairperson: Nicholas Reid)
6:30 PMClose


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