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Foundation for Endangered Languages

FEL XXVI 2022 Programme

Conference of the Foundation for Endangered Languages XXVI - 2022

Times of the conference are in Mountain Daylight time (UTC-6 during the conference period)

Before the conference starts all registered on-line participants will receive by email

- the full programme with the zoom links to the sessions,

- the download link for the Conference Book containing the extended abstracts.

Registration is still possibe at https://vonweber.nl/fel/registration_form.html

Wednesday, November 2  

Bus trip to Crownpoint, Navajo Technical University

Hogan activities will be shared through Zoom for those who cannot attend in person (see link in the schedule table). 

We still have room on this bus! To sign up for this trip, fill out the questionnaire here before noon, Tuesday, November 1.



Gather and coffee

Albuquerque, NM


Depart for Crownpoint from ABQ

Albuquerque, NM



Arrive at NTU




Welcome and Blessing

NTU Hogan/Wellness Center




Hospitality Center/Cafeteria


Tour rotation - groups if needed

Wellness Center

Navajo Language Class Demo - Sharon Nelson

Hogan/Rotation of Guests every 30 minutes


Rotation every 30 minutes

Environmental Science

Wellness Center

Wellness Center

Dr. Irene/Biology

Bio Classroom


Break and refreshments  

Wellness Center

Ongoing - provided throughout the day


Depart for ABQ

From NTU


Return to Hotel

Albuquerque, NM



November 3 and 4, 2022

Venue: University of New Mexico Student Union Building (SUB) 

Rooms Lobo A and B

Venue Information: 



Thursday, November 3 - University of New Mexico SUB, Rooms Lobo A and B

November 3 Schedule:

Coffee and gathering - 8:00 

8:30 Opening remarks - Nicholas Ostler, Founder, Foundation for Endangered Languages 

9:00 Plenary  - Joel Isaak, Katnuht’ana Dena’ina (Alaska). Teaching Dena’ina literacy through culture

Break 10-10:15

Session 1 - Cultural Approaches I

10:15-10:45 R Karthick Narayanan. Traditional Religious-Cultural Practices & Reversing Language Shift among Todas of Nilgiri

10:45-11:15 Edmond Cane. The significance of knowledge-based capacity for language minority: Arberesh as case study

Break 11:15-11:30

Community control of language I

11:30-12:00 Jill Jones. Deaf community ownership of endangered sign language revitalisation

12:00-12:30 Zubair Torwali: The Torwali Revitalization Program and the community

12:30-1:00 Christina Ringel and Theresa Pohle. A Cognitive-Linguistic Approach to App Creation for Language Revitalization

1:00-2:00 - Lunch on your own (Food services in the building and short walks away)

Language Shift and the Pandemic

2:00-2:30 Muhammad Kamal Khan. Struggling against Language Shift: A case study of Madaglashti (aka Bakhtiari and Badakhsani) 

2:30-3:00 Esther Manu-Barfo. The moribund Dompo language of Ghana: Attempts, challenges and prospectives in its revitalization.

3:00-3:30 Julia Sallabank and Vasiliki Vita. Language revitalisation in pandemic times

3:30-3:45 break

Session 4 - Tools I

3:45-4:15 Jakelin Troy, Janette Thambyrajah and Mujahid Torwali. Making healthy little books: using ‘community participatory practice’ and ‘yarning’ to develop the domain of language about health and wellbeing in Wiradjuri

4:15-4:45 Theodore Fernald, Betsy Horner, Lorene Legah and Sharon Nelson. Navajo language resource development: pairing student interns with speaker-teachers 

4:45-5:15 Letizia Cerqueglini: Revitalizing Languages, Restructuring Cognitions, Restoring Circles: (Post-)Cognitive Linguistics for Language Revitalization and Reclamation

5:15-6:00 FEL membership meeting - informational  

6:30 - Evening activity - Dinner  Indian Pueblo Cultural Center

(Ride sharing & cabbing to get there)


Friday, November 4, 2022

UNM SUB - Lobo Rooms A and B

November 4 Schedule

Coffee and gathering - 8:00

Registration open at 8 am

8:15 Opening remarks 

8:30 Plenary  - Melvatha Chee, University of New Mexico, Diné:

The documentation of Indigenous child speech and child directed speech

Break  9:30-9:45

Cultural Approaches II

9:45-10:15 Levi Ekwa Mokake. Preserving cultural knowledge systems: The case of names and intergenerational identity in Mòkpè

10:15-10:45 Muhammad Zaman. Community Involvement in Planning and Implementing in an Early-exit MTB-MLE Program in Pakistan

10:45-11:00 Break

Tools II

11:00-11:30 Peter Keegan. Teaching Māori language pronunciation based on an analysis of one’s speech

11:30-12:00 Isabella Shields, Catherine Watson, Peter Keegan and Jesin James. Māori synthetic voice development: where we are and where to from here

12:00-12:30 Te Taka Keegan, Mark Apperley and Peter Reutemann. Indigenous Language Promotion in a Smart Home

12:30-2:00 - Lunch on your own

Language Shift

2:00-2:30 Shahid Rehman and Linda Harris. Migratory nomads & language education through mobile schools 

2:30-3:00 Maya Khemlani David and Ameer Ali. A Comparative Sociolinguistic Analysis of Language Shift and Maintenance: Focus on the Brahui and Balochi Communities in Sindh, Pakistan.

3:00-3:30 Fazal Hadi, Mujahid Torwali and Zubair Torwali. From Foreigners to Local: The revival and survival of endangered languages. A Success Story from North Pakistan

3:30-3:45 break


3:45-4:15 Ramos Rosales Flores and Elsie Rockwell. Tlahtoltequitl, Language work in a Contla, Mexico 

4:15-4:45 Osita Nwagbo and Ebele Okafor. Reversing language shift: strategies of reintroducing Igbo into families in Lagos, Nigeria

4:45-5:15 Louward Allen Zubiri, Anya Postma, Uyan Daay and Emerenciana Catapang: Agency and Data Sovereignty in Mangyan Script Revitalization

5:15 - Closing Moments



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