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Foundation for Endangered Languages

2019 FEL Grant recipients

This year 8 grants were awarded for a total of US$7,650.

Grantee Country Language supported Grant (US$) Project title
FEL grants 2019
Albert Ventayol-Boada USA San Martín Duraznos Mixtec (Mexico) 928 Development of gamified online teaching resources
Alena Murang Malaysia Kelabit (Malaysia) 1000 A website for the lyrics and audio of children’s songs in the Kelabit
Heather Bliss Canada Siksika Blackfoot (Canada) 995 Siksika Blackfoot Orthography Workshop
Madoka Hammine Japan Yaeyaman (Japan) 1000 Development of Teaching and Learning Materials for the Yaeyaman Language
Gang Li China Mancho (China) 1000 A concise bilingual dictionary-compilation of Manchu language at Sanjiazi village
Irina Burukina Hungary Kaqchikel, Patzún, (Guatemala) 950 Documenting Kaqchikel traditional stories and recipes
Maida Percival Canada Hän (Dene/Athabaskan), (Canada) 980 Ultrasound Overlay Videos for Teaching the Hän Sound System
Stefan Danerek Sweden Palu’e (Indonesia) 797 ELAN training for the Palu’e audio collection
See all previous grant recipients 2007-2018

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