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Foundation for Endangered Languages

2017 FEL Grant recipients

This year 7 grants were awarded for a total of about US$7,000.

Grantee Country Language supported Grant (US$) Project title
FEL grants 2017
Elnur Aliyev Sweden Kryz (Azerbaijan) 775 Trilingual Electronic Dictionary (Kryz-Azerbaijani-English) with Kryz pronunciation
Laura Arnold UK Ambel (Indonesia) 831 Ambel: Printing and presentation of a trilingual dictionary
Edwin Ko USA Crow (USA) 974 Development of Crow language curriculum and learning materials
Samantha May Canada Uchinaaguchi (Okinawa, Japan) 900 Development of an Uchinaaguchi Karate and Kobudo Handbook
Colleen O'Brien USA Camsá (Colombia) 942 Documenting Camsá, an Endangered Language Isolate of Colombia
Robbie Penman UK Mapuzugun (Chile) 961 Mapuzugun immersion camps in southern Chile
Zubair Torwali Pakistan Torwali (Pakistan) 1000 Supporting mother tongue (Torwali) multilingual education students with reading materials
See all previous grant recipients 2007-2015

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